The prefabricated drainage panels Drenar and Drenar T have been widely used for years in the mitigation of instability in
agroforestry sector, as their small size, lightness and speed of installation make them the solution
one ideal in particular in valuable crops (vineyards, olive groves, orchards), as well as in wooded or difficult to
access or on the ski slopes; all areas in which the reduction of earth movements, the possibility of accessing ed
operate with small-sized vehicles, the reduction of transiting loads and disposals, safety for
the operators are fundamental elements.
The main applications of Drenar and Drenar T drainage panels in agroforestry areas are:
• Drainage and stabilization of vineyards, orchards
and olive groves; and in general of all valuable crops, where it is essential to intervene by reducing movements and excavations as much as possible;
• Drainage and stabilization of ski slopes or areas serving ski lifts and snow basins;
• Drainage and stabilization in wooded and mountain pasture areas;
• Drains in areas that are difficult to access and have steep slopes.

In the Agro-Forestry sector, DRENAR drainage panels allow to obtain various technical advantages compared to
traditional methodologies:
• Minimal impact on crops, access roads and profiles, being able to reduce excavations, backfills, transport and disposals; in consideration of the installation in a forced section and the high speed of movement;
• Greater safety for the workers as the installation takes place from the outside;
• Lightening of the areas, being able to replace land with lighter material;
• Being an industrial product, it allows for homogeneity of performance;
• Greater durability, as the porometry of the geotextile can be modified according to the granulometric curve;
• Possibility of increasing the drainage section with the draining chimney technique (photo 9);
• The modularity of the system allows for greater design ease;
• The predefined dimensions allow for rapid insertion into both concrete and prefabricated manholes (photos 10 and 11), which will have both the function of collecting drained water and inspecting the drainage function as well as quickly overcoming height differences;
• Reduction of working times and costs.

To help agroforestry companies, planners and institutions that more and more often find themselves having to protect
cultivated areas and farms against damage caused by particular types of wild animals, which in recent years
ungulates in particular (wild boar, roe deer, fallow deer), but also wolves have become more and more widespread; Arrigo Gabbioni
Italia srl has developed some systems of high-strength Faunistic and Pastoral Nets, both in metal mesh a
double hexagonal twist, which with knotted square mesh, capable of guaranteeing high mechanical performance,
ease of installation and long life.
The main application areas Faunal and Pastoral Networks, produced by Arrigo Gabbioni Italia, are found in:
• Fences to protect houses and private buildings;
• Fences to protect farms and crops;
• Protection of roads, railways, airports against wildlife intrusion;
• Fencing of sports areas, public gardens and leisure areas.
The Faunistic Nets in hexagonal double twist wire mesh, or square mesh knotted at high resistence:
• Functionality even in case of accidental cutting
or volunteer of one of the threads;
• Durability against erosion due to znal, znal and polymer and zn alloy coatings;
• Accessibility even in awkward areas; in fact, by producing directly, rolls of length and height can be made to measure, based on the needs of the applicant;
• Modularity of the links, based on the typeof fauna to screen;• Low impact, thanks to the great visual permeability and the fastening that can be done on debarked chestnut poles;• Installation speed.
• Modularity of the links, based on the typeof fauna to screen;• Low impact, thanks to the great visual permeability and the fastening that can be done on debarked chestnut poles;
• Installation speed.